The series follows Ichirou Satou, a high schooler who accidentally keeps running into raunchy situations with her teacher, which makes the imaginations of the two-run wild. Very few ecchi anime have successfully executed the strange balance between sexual tension and comedy, and ‘Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?’ is definitely one of them. Based on Katsumi Nishino’s light novel series, ‘Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox’ or simply ‘Kanokon’ features a number of hot semi-nude scenes that can leave viewers wishing for more.
While he has learned to somehow live with the unexplained phenomenon but when he attends high school Chizuru and Nozomu, a fox and a wolf spirit, turn his life upside down. Kouta, a young boy for some inexplicable reason, appears to draw the attention of supernatural beings.